

Christian Formation is the very core of the work of Christ Church.

We desire to be a church forming deeply committed whole-life disciples of Jesus for the world, by learning to Be With, Become Like and, Live Like Jesus.

With this in mind we have a clear and focused mission to make disciples who are:

  • Personally committed followers of Jesus Christ

  • Knowledgeable about the Bible and committed to living in consistency with its teachings

  • Engaged in personal Christian disciplines

  • Able to share the Gospel and provide a reasonable defense of the faith

  • Actively participating in worship and the mission of Christ Church

Sunday groups

galatians bible study
9:30 - 10 am

with Fr. Terry in Barnes Hall.
Click here to view previous classes.

Revelation bible study
9:30 - 10 am

with Bruce Dunn in The Loft

The Momco
Meets the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month

previously known as MOPS
(Mothers of Preschoolers)


We host a number of studies, classes and small groups both weekly and monthly. Come learn and gather together for fellowship and education.

  • Bible Study Monday evenings, with Bruce Dunn via Zoom 7:00pm to 8:30. Contact Bruce Dunn for Zoom link.

  • Contemplative Prayer Group, meets in the Christ Church library and on Zoom every Saturday from 8:20-10:00am. All are welcome to this open group. More details here.

  • Tuesday Night Men's Group:
    In-person at church, 7 - 8:30 pm
    Join other men from Christ Church for prayer, fellowship and sharing. Contact Ron Rollain for more details.

  • Wednesday Night Women’s Group:
    In-person at church, 6:30 - 8 pm in The Loft.
    Join other women from Christ Church for prayer, fellowship and sharing. Contact Meg Stern for more details.

  • Thursday Morning Men’s Group, Thursday mornings year round, 6:30am to 8:00 in Rm 217, as well as via zoom for friendship, devotion and prayer. It’s a great way to start off your Thursday morning and all men are welcome. Contact John Bredehoeft for more details.

  • Daughters of the King, meeting the third Sunday of every month, 12:15pm, in the Loft. Daughters of the King (DOK) meet together to bring others into a living relationship with Jesus and to strengthen the spiritual life of our church.  DOK are women of Christ Church who meet to encourage one another in the works of service and prayer. Because Daughter of the King is a religious order of women, a time of training and discernment needs to be a part of a candidate's desire to become a member. Contact Tammie Sawicki for more information.

opportunities For Visitors and Newcomers

  • Meet The Rector - on the second Sunday of each month at the Welcome Desk after each service. It’s a great opportunity to find out what Christ Church is all about. For folks who have recently become interested in/or have come to Christ Church.

  • Go on a tour of the facility and get the lay of the land and hear a bit of our history.

  • Parish Picnics - on the third Sunday of each month in Barnes Hall at 12 pm. We will initially start these gatherings inside, but as the weather warms, we will move them outside.

  • Watch our Newcomer video series which will introduce you to Anglicanism, The Episcopal Church and Christ Church.

  • Finally, ask for a sponsor to help you navigate and find your place in the community. Contact Tammie Sawicki for more info.