find your place at christ church

There are many ways for you to become involved with Christ Church from attending bible studies, joining a small group and volunteering in one of our many ministries. If you would like to tell us your interests and have someone contact you, simply click the button below and fill out our volunteer form.

volunteer during worship

Click on a photo to learn more.
(MOBILE: click photo, then the dot in the lower right corner of your device to see details)


join a bible study or small group

  • An in-depth look at the book of Galatians most Sundays at 9:30 am in Barnes Hall - no need to register, just show up . This class runs through May 2025.


  • Weekly Bible Study on the book of Revelation. Most Sundays at 9:30 in The Loft. No registration needed, just show up.

  • Study of the Psalms via Zoom with Bruce Dunn on most Monday evenings at 7 pm. Contact Bruce Dunn for more info and for Zoom link.

  • We have a very active Men’s Group that meets every Thursday morning from 6:30 - 8 ams in Room 217. Weekly meetings include prayer, fellowship and bible study. Contact John Bredehoeft for more information and to get connected.

    Other Men’s Group highlights include:

    • Summer Men’s Retreat

    • Autumn Men’s BBQ

    • Assisting those who are in need of help. Tasks around the home, snow shoveling, lawn care and rides, etc.

    • Helping with the yearly Prayer Vigil

    • Helping with Vacation Bible School

    • Delivering items from our Blessing Box

    • In Home Care Visits

    • Assisting with Palm Sunday Potluck

    • St Claire’s Ministry

    • Metro Caring

    • Shrove Tuesday

  • Who Are We?

    Women who yearn to grow and strengthen our personal relationships with Jesus Christ. The idea is to spend time together weekly, or as often as you can make it, to be with, become like, and do as Jesus did as we learn from each other and study scripture.  Membership to Christ Church is not a requirement to join any of our weekly gatherings.

    Key Aspects of Our Time Together

    • Fellowship: Building a supportive community of women who share a common faith.

    • Study and Discussion of Scripture: Dedicating time to delve into and discuss the teachings of the Bible.

    • Service Opportunities: Providing chances to serve others and put our faith into action.

    What Does This Journey Look Like?

    Women coming together to build camaraderie and friendships as we travel together on our journeys to deepen our personal relationships with and through Jesus. We all desire something more than where we are today, and our gatherings provide:

    • Time Dedicated to Studying Scripture: Focused sessions for understanding and reflecting on the Bible.

    • Opportunities to Learn from Each Other: Sharing insights and experiences to grow together in faith.

    • A Safe Place to Be Vulnerable and Inquisitive: Encouraging an environment where questions and open-hearted discussions are welcomed as we strive to understand the mystery of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

    Join us in this enriching journey as we seek to grow closer to Jesus and build lasting friendships rooted in faith.

    When & Where?

    • Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8pm

    • Christ Church, 2nd Floor Loft

    • Childcare provided

    • Can’t be there in person?  We will be available through Zoom. Contact Meg Stern for link or more information

  • Yearly parish gathering at Trail West in Buena Vista. Several classes based on yearly theme, with multiple opportunities to volunteer. If you would like to learn more about volutneering for this event, contact Michele Pierson. More information on this gathering here.

  • Since 2011, the Prayer Shawl Ministry at Christ Church has given 390 shawls to parishioners, family, and friends who needed the presence of God in the comfort of a prayer shawl...whether suffering from illness, job loss, death of loved ones, anxiety, or just going through tough times. In 2023, the Ministry blessed 34 people with prayer shawls. The group usually meets on the first Thursday afternoon in Room 101 and welcomes new knitting/crocheting friends any time. Look for meeting announcements in your weekly E-News, or contact Bev Fish for more info.

  • If you are passionate about the power of prayer, then consider getting involved with one of our prayer groups.

    Contemplative Prayer Group: This group meets most Saturdays at 8:20 am in the library for Contemplative Prayer. Learn more about this type of prayer and how to incorporate it into your life. Contact Vee Henderson for more info, or just show up any Saturday morning.

    Prayer Team: Christ Church has a dedicated prayer ministry team that meets weekly to go over current and new prayer requests. If you are in need of prayers, please contact Alice Bagley to be placed on our prayer list.

    Side Altar Prayers: Every Sunday we have prayer ministers available at the side altar during and after Communion to pray with anyone who comes for prayer at the side altar. Just come forward to the side altar to offer up your prayers.


volunteer with children

  • Do you have a passion for sharing the word of God with children? If so, we would love to have you join us as a Sunday School Facilitator, where you will help children explore bible stories, crafts and games that will inspire them to love Jesus! Christ Church offers Sunday school every Sunday during our services for pre-school through 5th grade. The commitment is minimal, with just one Sunday a month every third month from 10:15 am - 11:15 am. Contact Tammie for more info.

  • Volunteering for VBS is not only fun, but is a great way to help when you don’t want a long term commitment. There are three different choices to volunteer with VBS which happens yearly on the 3rd week of June. If you are creative try helping with our decorations and set up, or you might enjoy being a Crew or Station Leader during the week of VBS. Great opportunities for adults as well as teens. Contact Tammie for more info.

  • Volunteer to help with our Sunday evening and Wednesday evening services by helping us provide a safe and fun environment for our children. Sunday evening commitment is from 4:30 - 7 pm, and Wednesday evening is from 5:30 - 7 pm. Contact Tammie Sawicki for more details and to discuss what times and days work best for you.

volunteer with youth

  • If you are passionate about helping the youth of our parish we have lots of ways for you to get involved! Contact Emily Ruff to find your place.

    Our Youth Group meets most Wednesdays from 6 - 8 for games, worship and teaching, in the Youth Room (downstairs). This is a group of 6th through 12th graders.

    HS Collective (for high schoolers) meets on select Sunday afternoons from 4:30 - 6 pm in the Youth Room downstairs.

volunteer in our office

We have many opportunities to help out in our office. Contact Lynda Hellman for more info.

help those in need

  • If you are interested in getting involved with our Outreach Committee, please contact Steve Petty.

  • Making donations to our Blessing Box is a great way to help the less fortunate in our community. Located in the Commons, donations are accepted at any time and are distributed to St. Clare's Ministries and St. Francis Center. For more info please contact Margi Johnson orJanice Woodward.

  • Members of the meal train make and deliver meals to Christ Church parishioners. Add your name to our meal train list, and you can decide when and who you deliver to at your convenience. Contact Carol Oliver fo volunteer.

volunteer with our ministry partners

Click on each partner logo to see detailed information for each and how you can get involved.