sun valley youth center
Have you ever been to a Broncos game? If so, you were within walking distance of our ministry partner, Sun Valley Youth Center! Their mission is to empower youth, families, and the community. It is SVYC’s belief that every young person, ages 5-21, living in the Sun Valley neighborhood deserves equal opportunities for growth and success.
Here is how you can help Sun Valley Youth Center:
Watch this video! Sun Valley Youth Center
Invite a friend to breakfast or lunch at the Sun Valley Kitchen. The Sun Valley Kitchen supports the youth at our ministry partner, Sun Valley Youth Center, by providing dinner and wrap-around services for their families.
Pick up a few groceries at Decatur Fresh Market. Sun Valley used to be a food desert but this new market provides fresh, affordable, and culturally relevant food to its diverse community.
Want a more direct impact? Sign up to provide cupcakes for Sun Valley Youth Center children and youth. Christ Church members provide festive cupcakes all year round to celebrate every single child. Contact Christi James if you would like to help. There are LOTS of birthdays in April!!
Sun Valley Youth Center and El Hogar
Contact: Christi James
FIND THEM ON THE WEB HERE for more info and to make a donation
1230 Decatur St, Denver, CO 80204