Women's Group
Women coming together to build camaraderie and friendships as we travel together on our journeys to deepen our personal relationships with and through Jesus.
Upcoming Events
Women coming together to build camaraderie and friendships as we travel together on our journeys to deepen our personal relationships with and through Jesus.
Join us at the side altar for an intimate service of Holy Communion with a brief reflection and conversation followed by an opportunity for healing prayer.
Moms with preschool aged children:
Come join us at Christ Church Denver MomCo (rebrand of MOPS)! The MomCo includes practical teaching through speakers and videos. Then we have honest conversations with other moms who understand the joys and frustrations of motherhood.
Join Fr Joseph, Fr Todd, and friends for a weekend of worship, teaching, and room to respond to the Holy Spirit.
Every second Sunday of the month you have an opportunity to meet our Rector, Terry McGugan at the Welcome Desk after both services. This is your chance to introduce yourself if you are new to Christ Church, and ask any questions you may have. Whether you are new to Christ Church or even if you have been around for awhile, this is a great chance to interact with our Rector.
Moms with preschool aged children:
Come join us at Christ Church Denver MomCo (rebrand of MOPS)! The MomCo includes practical teaching through speakers and videos. Then we have honest conversations with other moms who understand the joys and frustrations of motherhood.
It may be the middle of winter, but we won’t let that stop us from putting on a monthly picnic! Every third Sunday of the month we will be gathering for a picnic after the 10:30 service (around 12 noon) to share a casual meal and get better acquainted.
Every second Sunday of the month you have an opportunity to meet our Rector, Terry McGugan at the Welcome Desk after both services. This is your chance to introduce yourself if you are new to Christ Church, and ask any questions you may have. Whether you are new to Christ Church or even if you have been around for awhile, this is a great chance to interact with our Rector.
Moms with preschool aged children:
Come join us at Christ Church Denver MomCo (rebrand of MOPS)! The MomCo includes practical teaching through speakers and videos. Then we have honest conversations with other moms who understand the joys and frustrations of motherhood.
It may be the middle of winter, but we won’t let that stop us from putting on a monthly picnic! Every third Sunday of the month we will be gathering for a picnic after the 10:30 service (around 12 noon) to share a casual meal and get better acquainted.
Every second Sunday of the month you have an opportunity to meet our Rector, Terry McGugan at the Welcome Desk after both services. This is your chance to introduce yourself if you are new to Christ Church, and ask any questions you may have. Whether you are new to Christ Church or even if you have been around for awhile, this is a great chance to interact with our Rector.
Moms with preschool aged children:
Come join us at Christ Church Denver MomCo (rebrand of MOPS)! The MomCo includes practical teaching through speakers and videos. Then we have honest conversations with other moms who understand the joys and frustrations of motherhood.
Moms with preschool aged children:
Come join us at Christ Church Denver MomCo (rebrand of MOPS)! The MomCo includes practical teaching through speakers and videos. Then we have honest conversations with other moms who understand the joys and frustrations of motherhood.
Join us on this six-day intensive course where we will captivate you in the art of the Byzantium painting technique. During the course we'll write (paint) the icon of Christ Pantocrator.
It may be the middle of winter, but we won’t let that stop us from putting on a monthly picnic! Every third Sunday of the month we will be gathering for a picnic after the 10:30 service (around 12 noon) to share a casual meal and get better acquainted.
Onsite: 4 pm and 7 pm
Online: 4 pm
We hope you will join us in celebrating the birth of Jesus at the most wonderful time of the year! Our 4 pm service is family friendly, especially families with young children, and will be livestreamed. Our 7 pm service is more relaxed and features our Chancel Choir.
Advent is supposed to be a season of sacred waiting. Yet in our hustle culture, it often feels like anything but. Join us for a 3-hour ‘sacred pause’ on Sat Dec 14th, 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. (10 DAYS BEFORE 🎄…... AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! 😱), jointly hosted by pastors Nate Preisinger (Bethany Lutheran Denver) + Joseph Wolyniak (Christ Episcopal Denver).
Join us for a joyous Thanksgiving Day worship service at 9 am in the Sanctuary. We will gather as a community to give thanks for the many blessings we have received.
Allow yourself the time to rest and center yourselves with God and the women of Christ Church Denver in a half-day retreat to step into the holy season of Advent with purpose and holiness.
Join us on Saturday, November 2 for a memorial Eucharist for all those whom we love but see no longer. On All Souls Day we commemorate and join our prayers with those who have died in the Communion of Saints.
HS Collective exists for high school students to deepen relationships with each other, while engaging in biblical discussion around culturally relevant and practical topics.
Christ Church’s Welcome Ministry offers many opportunities for newcomers to feel connected and get plugged into life within our community. We recognize that it can be difficult getting to know people and feeling like you belong. That’s why we offer Newcomer Social events throughout the year.
Learn more . . .
Join the Christ Church Men’s Group for this annual, fun, social gathering and BBQ which will be hosted this year at John Bredehoeft’s residence, only 7 miles from Christ Church.
Just imagine a weekend full of relaxing, praying, teaching, fun and laughter! Whether you have a family, you are single, or live by yourself, this adventure is viewed by those who have attended as one of the highlights of life at Christ Church. Join us for this inspiring weekend in beautiful Buena Vista Colorado at The Trail West Lodge. It’s the perfect spot to unwind, take some time for reflection and grow closer to God and fellow Christ Church members.
Developing Virtue is done in community as we learn from one another. In conjunction with our Summer Preaching Series, Cultivating Christlike Virtues, we will be offering a new group discussion time entitled, Let’s Talk Virtue which will explore and unpack the Sunday sermon. These conversation groups will allow us to reflect, digest, and put into motion some practices for growing in Christlike virtue. Feel free to join us in person for these chats after both services in Barnes Hall.
For our online viewers, we will be offering a Zoom option to join our discussion after the 10:30 service. Register below and the Zoom link will be sent to you.
Please make plans to attend our Sunday July 7th service for our Fifth Annual Americana Church Music Festival service. There will only be one service that day at 10:30 am.
Your kids will dive into a friendship with God! Take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they'll experience the ever-flowing, neverending love of God.
Join the men of Christ Church for this annual retreat at The Hideaway in Monument, CO. The weekend will be filled with program sessions led by Fr. Joseph Wolyniak, as well as plenty of time for reflection, worship and activities.
Join Fr Joseph and friends for a 5-week book club engaging John Mark Comer’s, Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus, Become like him, Do as he did (WaterBrook, 2024).
Quiet and Solitude are practices to engage in every season of life in various ways. Stepping outside our regular rhythms of work and life even to a new location can refresh and renew us in unexpected ways.
Christ Church’s Welcome Ministry offers many opportunities for newcomers to feel connected and get plugged into life within our community. We recognize that it can be difficult getting to know people and feeling like you belong. That’s why we offer Newcomer Social events throughout the year.
Learn more . . .
Join us at 8:45 am & 11 am
The joyous season of Easter starts with our Easter Day services as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Join us in-person for one of our two services, or watch us online at 11 am.
Join us Good Friday evening for this captivating presentation which showcases the Stations of the Cross in a dramatic format directed and produced entirely by the Youth of Christ Church. A truly moving experience.
On Good Friday, we observe the Passion of Jesus Christ: the story of his arrest, torture, and crucifixion. It is a somber, dark day, but is integral to our Christian story, because it leads to joy of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Day.
March 28 @ 7pm with Overnight Prayer Vigil
On Maundy Thursday, we recall Jesus’ greatest commandment to us: to love others as God loves us. We remember Jesus’ act of love and service when he washed his disciples feet by having our feet washed. We also strip the altar in preparation for the bleakness of Good Friday.
Palm Sunday is a Sunday filled with emotional highs and lows. We celebrate the emotional high of Jesus riding into Jerusalem as the people line the road with palm branches acknowledging him as their King. We also remember the emotional low of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion in the Passion Gospel.
Weclome to Holy Week at Christ Church | March 24, - March 31, 2024
Holy Week is the time when we journey with Jesus to the cross before we experience the victory of God’s love in the resurrection.
Please join us for this woman’s retreat featuring author / speaker / pastor Jean McLachlan Hess who has been involved in Christian Ministry for over 25 years. Jean will discuss how we can expect to recognize and encounter Christ’s presence in the midst of our daily lives.
Join us for our Ash Wednesday services which mark the first of the forty days of Lent. The ashes are a sign of penitence and a reminder of mortality, and are imposed on the forehead with the sign of the cross. As the ashes are given, the celebrant reminds us to “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”
Join us in-person for of our Ash Wednesday services at 12:00 pm, and 7 pm.
Childcare will be available for both services.
The 7 pm service will be live-streamed on christchurchdenver.org, and on our Facebook and YouTube pages.
Celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday, Shrove Tuesday (also called “Pancake Tuesday” or “Pancake Day”) is the final day before the 40-day period of Lent begins. This year it falls on Feb. 21.
Join us on Sunday mornings for this Bible Study focusing on Psalms. This study will help anyone in the difficult journey of grieving a loss, whether it’s a loss of a loved one, a marriage, a job, a home, or getting a difficult medical diagnosis.
This spring, we will introduce a new youth program specifically designed for high school students. HS Collective exists for high school students to deepen relationships with each other, while engaging in biblical discussion around culturally relevant and practical topics.