In-Person Worship

Sundays at 8 am and 10:30 am


A classic Episcopal service that lasts about one hour. The music is traditional (mostly hymns from our hymnal), the preaching is biblical and practical, and the service is fairly simple and straightforward. Some who attend this service have grown up in the Episcopal tradition, while others come from various other church backgrounds. Eucharist (also known as Communion or the Lord’s Supper) is offered and the service is highly participatory. Children's programming is provided at this service.


A blended Episcopal service that lasts about 85-90 minutes. The music is a mix of traditional (led by the organ) and modern (led by modern musicians with piano, keyboard, percussion and guitars), the preaching is biblical and practical, and the service is projected on a large overhead screen so it’s easy to follow along and participate. Some who attend this service have gone to church for a long time, while others are new Christians; some who attend might even consider themselves skeptics or say that they are still wrestling with the claims of Christ. Eucharist (also known as Communion or the Lord’s Supper) is offered and the service is highly participatory. Children's programming is provided at this service.

About Worship

We believe worship lies at the heart of both who we are and what we do at Christ Church. The message of the Bible and the record of history reveal that God loves us; worship, very simply, is loving God back.

Worship is the center of our being

Worship is the font from which all things flow. Our Identity as humans, our purpose in the world, and our relationship with God and others are all formed and defined in worship. As we worship God, we are made more into his image, to reflect God's love, power, and grace to the world. When we come together to worship as a community, we lean on and draw from the traditions of those who have gone before us. That is our rhythm, our liturgy. We are led by the liturgy to pray together, to read scripture, to confess our sins and receive forgiveness. Together we come to the altar, sharing bread and wine. Through the prayers and the work of the Holy Spirit, we believe consecrated bread and wine to possess the “Real Presence” of Jesus, mystically being body and blood of Jesus Christ. It is through worship that we are made to be more fully human and are transformed into the likeness of Christ. It is through worship that we remember what it is that binds us together and are sent out into the world as the loved and redeemed of God, inviting others into the story that God is writing in and through creation.
