Serving in worship

Worship in the Episcopal Church is created through the art and work of many dedicated people. Christ Church’s Worship Ministry is a wonderful way to grow in service and faith by being intimately involved in the worship experience. There are many volunteer positions available which are described below. If you are interested in serving in one of these roles, you can contact our office at 303-758-3674, or one of the Team Leaders listed below.

How would you like to serve in worship?

Liturgical Ministries



Acolytes are servants to the Clergy during the worship service, assisting in the preparation for Holy Communion, carrying the processional cross(es) and torches, assisting with the offering plates and seeing that the altar candles are lit at the proper times.

Team Leader: John Bredehoeft

Eucharistic Ministers (Chalice Bearers)

Eucharistic Ministers assist the Clergy with the distribution of the wine during Holy Communion at all Sunday and other special services. This ministry is a way of serving that is both personal and public, reverent and joyful. Administering the body and blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ offers the unique opportunity to connect with God as well as our church community.

Team Leader: Alice Bagley




A lector reads scripture during one of our services.. Given the importance of the Scriptures, Lectors are charged with proclaiming the Word clearly, purposefully, and respectfully. We have opportunities for both live readers and pre-recorded readers.

Team Leader: Jo Churchill

Music Ministries

Music at Christ Church is comprised of an eclectic mix of styles: hymns and praise tunes, Anglican and American, gospel and pop, jazz and classical; everything ancient, modern, and in-between. Music plays a fundamental role in supporting a heartfelt and genuine worship experience. Ensembles supporting this include a choir, praise band, chamber ensemble, and two handbell choirs.

Music Director: Dan Dufford    (Choir, Modern Music, Traditional Music)

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Prayers of the People

One aspect of our corporate worship as Episcopalians is audible prayer led by a member of the congregation. Prayers either come from the Book of Common Prayer or are composed by designated individuals, both of which follow a prescribed outline.

Team Leader: Dennis Ridgley


Vergers assist the Clergy to assure a seamless congregational worship experience. Vergers partner with Worship Ministry Leaders to address training, planning, and other issues specific to individual ministries.

Team Leader: Fran Berry

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Support Liturgical Ministries

Altar Flower Ministry

This is a ministry to continue the millennia-old tradition of using God’s creations (flowers and greenery) and our God-given talents to decorate the church for worship.

Team Leader: Betsy Welty

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is responsible for setting up the altar, maintaining the area behind the altar rail and side altar, also cleaning and maintaining all the Holy Items used during services including vessels, linens, candles and vestments worn by priests. It is an understated, yet vital ministry to our worship experience.

Team Leader: Allison Moore

Audio-Visual Technicians

AV Technicians operate the audio and service graphics for Sunday morning services.  Some technical skill is required and operators are fully trained by the heads of this ministry.

Team Leader: Michele Pierson

welcome ministry

Team Leader: Tammie Sawicki

Pew Angels

Volunteers help keep the Sanctuary clean and organized to make worship easier for everyone. They restock the racks on the backs of pews in the church with scratch pads, pencils, visitor cards, and giving envelopes.

Team Leader: Anne Ruybal


Ushers greet people, answer questions, distribute information, help with seating, take up the collection, and assist with Holy Communion by providing the Clergy with the count of persons present, bringing the gifts of bread and wine forward, and helping with the logistics of persons coming to the altar rail to receive Communion.

Contact: Bruce Dunn