Serving our Community & World

The mission of Outreach at Christ Church is, "To Restore Hope to a Suffering World and Be Transformed Into the Likeness of Christ." We align our work with the vision of Christ Church and are committed to forming whole-disciples of Jesus for the world. Our aim is to engage parishioners in activities where they learn how to Be With, Become Like, and Live Like Jesus.

Outreach provides opportunities to the members of Christ Church to live into their baptismal promises:

  • Proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ

  • Seek and serve Christ in all persons

  • Strive for justice and peace among all people

  • Respect the dignity of every human being

So how do we at Christ Church live in this way?

El Hogar Service Team.jpg

Outreach partners

We partner with several local, national and international organizations which focus upon the relief of the suffering and disenfranchised. We support them through monetary donations and active participation in their ministries. We believe a collaborative approach with highly effective organizations will enable us to be involved in effective, efficient and substantive ministry in our local community and the world. Click the button below to learn more about our partners, and to see how you can become involved.

Blessing Box 

The Blessing Box is a standing wooden pantry in the Commons. It is stocked with non-perishable food, hygiene items, and clothing for our ministry partners and anyone in need in the Christ Church community. There are several ways to be involved in this important ministry:

  • Donate items on a regular basis to the Blessing Box

  • Deliver donated items to our ministry partners

  • Help manage donations and maintain the Blessing Box

Contact:   Margie Johnson and Janice Woodward


We are committed to reaching beyond ourselves to help the world. Therefore, we believe that short-term mission trips with our ministry partners and other organizations bring a benefit to those who participate in a mission trip and those who are served. Transformation is a two-way street. We expect that those who participate in missions will be changed in direct proportion to the help they give others. Our goal is to establish consistent relationships with our mission partners over long periods of time in order to have sustainable and substantive impact in the world.

Do you feel called to shape mission purpose and practice at Christ Church? 

Contact:   Steve Petty

Current missions:

  • El Hogar Service Trip to Honduras - Summer Months




We believe good works for the benefit of others are not complete without a witness to and proclamation of the grace of God found in salvation through Jesus Christ. We are committed to linking our work with proclamation. It is of great importance to feed the hungry, but we must also address the spiritual needs of all people to know that they are loved and adored by God and that mercy, forgiveness, salvation and new life is found in and through Jesus Christ. Therefore we are actively equipping and empowering our people to be articulate and sensitive heralds of the Gospel.

Do you feel called to shape how we are equipped and engage in evangelism at Christ Church?

Contact:  Steve Petty

Current evangelism effort: 

  • Set Free Prison Ministries