Life Events


Through baptism, we are joined to Christ in his death and resurrection and made members of his body, the Church. A time of preparation decided on by the candidate and the Rector precedes the baptism of adults. In the case of infants or children who are going to be baptized, the parents meet with the Rector beforehand for instruction to discuss the liturgy and its meaning and significance.

Christ Church regularly celebrates baptism as part of its Sunday liturgy, normally on those five days especially set aside by the Church as appropriate for baptism:

  • Sunday after All Saints’ Day (November)

  • Epiphany Season (January)

  • Easter Season (Spring)

  • Pentecost Sunday (May or June)

If you are considering baptism, please contact the church office, or call our office at 303-758-3674.


Every other year, we offer Credo class. Credo, which is Latin for “I Believe,” is an annual series of ten classes designed for those seeking confirmation and those seeking to be received into the Episcopal Church. It is also open to those who desire to reaffirm their faith after a time away from the Church. The class begins in early February and culminates with confirmation in late April or early May.


If you are visiting this section because you are in the process of planning your wedding, congratulations! We are very pleased to offer Christ Church for this special and sacred day in your relationship. Christ Church's sanctuary and grounds make it an ideal setting for a wedding of beauty and depth.

To begin the process of scheduling your wedding, please contact the church office.

Funerals & Burial

The burial liturgy of the Church provides a means by which friends and family can, in faith and hope even in the midst of loss, commend those we love to God’s care and keeping. Most often the funeral liturgy is a Requiem Mass, celebrated with the body or ashes present.

We have space remaining in our columbarium which creates a peaceful setting for the committal of cremated remains and a place where mourners may gather for quiet reflection, prayer or meditation, as well as companionship and fellowship. The parish hall is also available for receptions.

To arrange a funeral at Christ Church, please contact the church office.