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Holy Week at Christ Church

Weclome to Holy Week at Christ Church | April 13- April 20, 2025

Holy Week is the time when we journey with Jesus to the cross before we experience the victory of God’s love in the resurrection.

palm Sunday

April 13, 8:00 AM @ 10:30 am

Palm Sunday is a Sunday filled with emotional highs and lows. We celebrate the emotional high of Jesus riding into Jerusalem as the people line the road with palm branches acknowledging him as their King. We also remember the emotional low of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion in the Passion Gospel.

Maundy Thursday

April 17 @ 7 pm with Overnight prayer watch

On Maundy Thursday, we recall Jesus’ greatest commandment to us: to love others as God loves us. We remember Jesus’ act of love and service when he washed his disciples feet by having our feet washed. We also strip the altar in preparation for the bleakness of Good Friday. After the service we “stay awake to pray with Jesus” by offering an All-Night Prayer Watch in-person in our Sanctuary.


Good Friday

APRIL 18, 12 noon service & 7 pm youth led PASSION OF CHRIST

On Good Friday, we observe the Passion of Jesus Christ: the story of his arrest, torture, and crucifixion. It is a somber, dark day, but is integral to our Christian story, because it leads to joy of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Day.

The 12 noon service will be a traditional in-person liturgy using the reserved sacrament from the Maundy Thursday evening service.

At 7 pm our Youth will lead a dramatic presentation of the Passion of our Lord, In-person and online.

The Great Vigil of Easter

April 19 @ 8 pm

This service of new fire, candlelight, and bells anticipates the joy of the resurrection with various readings from scripture of God’s salvation history. We move from darkness into light with the exuberant proclamation of the resurrection and celebrate the first Holy Eucharist of Easter. This dramatic and powerful service is not to be missed. If you’ve never celebrated Easter with the Great Vigil, you’ll never celebrate it the same again!

easter sunday

april 20 @ 8:45 & 11 am

The joyous season of Easter continues with Easter Day as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our Easter Day services are available for all to join in-person, or you can choose to watch our livestream at 11 am.

Earlier Event: April 13
Palm Sunday
Later Event: April 13
Meet The Rector, April