As we learn to become whole-life disciples of Jesus, we are committed to offering many opportunities to grow in our faith. Some highlights from 2023 include:
Fran Berry, Bruce Dunn and Allison Moore at Winchester Cathedral
parish pilgrimage
Our third parish pilgrimage in our Education Travel Series took 32 of us to bonny ol' England for a 12-day adventure, touring castles and cathedrals of our Anglican roots. Even though our Episcopal/Anglican sect began with Henry VIII in the 16th century, we explored sites even further back to the time of St Augustine, who visited English shores in the 4th century. Again, Connoisseur Tours provided excellent tour guides and accommodations at every turn. Our travels began in Windsor with the oldest continually-lived in royal castle in the world (11th century), to Winchester, Salisbury, Canterbury, Cambridge, and finally ending up in London. Highlights of the trip included the many Evensongs at the various cathedrals, castle tours, and of course, great British pub fare. It's fair to say that we all got a good taste of our church heritage from across the pond!
Sabbath Workshop with Brian Gray, January 2023
Fr. Joseph introduced our parish to Practicing the Way resources which opened up several small group offerings as well as sermon series throughout 2023. We studied the importance of Sabbath (January) and Prayer (February) with engaging sermons, stimulating small group discussions, as well as educational videos and workbooks.
bible studies abound
We had a very robust selection of Bible Studies in 2023, that gave parishioners several choices to grow in their faith. Following up the success of his Colossians Bible study in 2022, Fr. Terry embarked on an in-depth study of Galatians in the fall of 2023. In addition, Bruce Dunn stepped up to not only continue his very popular Monday Psalms class, but also added a Sunday offering with a study of Romans. Our ladies got in on the action by starting a Wednesday evening offering on the book of James. And last but not least, Joellen McGugan created a wonderful offering for those affected by Cancer, called Cancer Companions Bible Study.