DeeDee Atwood
Communications Director
Ah yes, the never ending battle of “getting the word out” in our fast paced society can send a well mannered staff member like me right over the edge. Thank goodness I have a passion for graphic design and wordsmithing! I am tasked each week with keeping you up-to-date on the latest happenings around church, offering quick and efficient online registrations, managing video production and livestream events and presenting our outward appearance to newcomers through our website to just name a few.
We continue to attract high numbers to our livestream services each week, and are proud to say that we have several “online only” members from across the country.
Many thanks to our dedicated tech team (Adam and Michele Pierson and Zack Ruybal) who work tirelessly to offer the highest level of in-person and livestream tech capabilities for over 60+ services, memorials and special events every year.
I’d like to give a special shout-out to Adam Pierson for his leadership and tech savvy in finishing our tech upgrades in the Loft. We now have a second larger space for meetings and presentations all with hybrid capabilities. And that is just the tip of the iceberg! Goals for 2024 include upgrading the West Room and working on The Narthex project with Fr. Joseph.
After last year‘s redesign of our websites, I am pleased to announce that we had over 38,000 visitors to our website in 2023! This is a 19% increase over 2022, and is a meaningful sign of our increased relevant online content. Of course, it goes without saying that making it easy for our parishioners to find and utlize that content is always top-of-mind in my world. We currently have over 500 subscribers to our Weekly E-News, and over 32,000 people visited our website in 2022.