Debbie Jonas
Curtis Robbins
The Vestry’s main task for 2023 was to embark on a year of discovery through the Holy Spirit and with the guidance of Father John - how we are to live into our vision of becoming whole-life disciples of Jesus. The goal being to create a Mission Statement and Strategic Plan for how to implement our desire to be with, become like and live like Jesus; as well as a picture of what we hope to look like as a congregation in the next 5 to 7 years. We have asked ourselves the question – how does God’s vision manifest in the congregation as a whole and how do we know if we are following and learning from the vision? Is this truly God’s leading?
In this time of discernment and discovery by the Vestry, Father John has guided us through several steps in which we have developed core documents, solidified our vision statement, and created a mission statement and strategic plan.
The following steps we have prayerfully gone through for Christ Church include:
Biblical and Theological Overview of Discernment
God’s Historical Intentions and Historical Spiritual Gifts
Historical and Current Signs of God’s Presence
Core Behavioral Values Statement
Confirmation of God’s Vision
Three profiles of what a person looks like who is with Jesus,” becoming like Jesus and living like Jesus taken from the Gospels and the Book of Acts
Core Practices and Guiding Core Beliefs
Discernment of God’s Mission and draft of the Mission Statement
Development of our Strategic Plan to begin in 2024
Final steps will be taken in 2024 to develop specific strategies, timelines and resources with the help of Lay leaders and Staff.
As a way of living into our vision in 2023, we partnered with St. Gabriel’s and Epiphany churches to study the Holy Spirit throughout the summer– culminating in our Weekend Away over Labor Day Weekend in Buena Vista, Colorado. We had attendees from our virtual community from California and Philadelphia. It was truly a blessing to worship, learn and have fun together in the beautiful Colorado Rockies!
In addition to our discernment work, staffing remained a challenge as we continued our search for a full time Associate Priest and a Youth Director. We are blessed to have these positions filled with the hire of Emily Ruff, part time Youth Director who began in August and Father Todd Blackham, Associate Priest, beginning full time in January 2024. Lynda Hellman filled the much needed Executive Assistant position at the end of 2022. After several years of staffing shortages, we are now a fully staffed parish beginning in 2024.
We also explored the meaning and potential growth of our Virtual Community. With an amazing grant from the Lilly Foundation awarded in December, Father Joseph will be directing and studying our virtual community along with several other churches. The Narthex or Thriving Congregations project will take place over the next 5 years – we are excited to see what God has for Christ Church and other congregations as we explore what it means to be a virtual liturgical community.
As we continue our journey in 2024, it is with a sense of anticipation and awe at where God is leading us with a full complement of staff, a mission statement incorporating the Vision, a Strategic Plan for the next several years and and a hope for new areas of development and church growth with our Thriving Congregations Initiative.