The Rev. John Wengrovius
Associate for Parish Development
Below are the highlights of my service as Christ Church’s part-time Associate for Parish Development: I…
Helped re-structure a robust pastoral care program in the aftermath of the Pandemic; worked throughout the year with Alice Bagley, who was hired last January as Pastoral Care Coordinator; and made pastoral visits when requested.
Served at the Sunday liturgies and was involved in a number of funerals.
Led a Lenten quiet morning and spoke at the annual Men’s Retreat.
Represented Christ Church at the fall Regional meeting and at the Diocesan Convention.
In all of this, I sought to provide space, support, and backup for the Rector, particularly when he was away from the office.
My primary work was to function as a congregational development consultant to lead the Vestry through a comprehensive
discernment of God’s Vision and Mission for Christ Church as rooted in His purpose for and work in and through the parish during its 70 year history. At appropriate points, our staff and parishioners were included in the process. Once these guiding statements were affirmed, we developed the goals of a Strategic Plan to guide the Vestry, Staff, and Ministry Leaders during the next two to three years as they lead us deeper into becoming a community of deeply committed whole-life disciples of Jesus for the world, by learning to Be With, Become Like, and Live Like Jesus. Please refer to Appendix A of this report to review the primary statements that the Rector and Vestry discerned and affirmed in 2023.
In 2024, I will continue to be available pastorally as needed and responsive to special needs in the parish as requested. My liturgical service on Sunday mornings and at other times will continue, and my programmatic focus will be to re-structure and implement an enhanced, year-long Welcome and Incorporation Ministry. Work with the Vestry, Staff, and Ministry Leaders will continue as we develop and implement the strategies and action plans called for by the Strategic Plan in order to more intentionally incorporate God’s Vision and Mission into the life and culture of the congregation.
Ruth and I are most grateful to be with you at Christ Church, and we thank all of you for so warmly welcoming us into your life and ministry together!