Whole-Life Discipleship

Seven Areas of Growth

Part of the strategic vision adopted by the vestry in 2024 includes developing a Whole-Life Discipleship Paradigm. Whole-Life discipleship is an ongoing process of learning to Be With, Become Like, and Live Like Jesus in seven fundamental areas of practice and growth.

Those seven areas are: Worship, Scripture & Tradition, Prayer, Generosity & Service, Witness, Daily Work & Vocation, and Community.

Each of these areas are places for followers of Christ to develop practices which enable them to move continually deeper in relationship with Christ. Some folks will find themselves naturally drawn to certain areas, which is the way the body of Christ exhibits special gifts given to each member. And, every follower of Jesus is called to some kind of participation in each area; to be cross-trainers in their spiritual lives.

The development of this paradigm is continuing in the production of a parish “rule of life” or practice manual that defines each area, suggests the practices best suited for growth, and invites a “stretch” to go deeper. By keeping this manual in regular reflection in front of the whole parish, individual working groups (staff, vestry, ministry departments) we’ll be able to live into this paradigm collectively and individually.

As we continue to develop and roll out this paradigm, we will take stock of how Christ Church is already providing opportunities for development and where we see deficiencies. This will inform preaching series, adult education offerings, outreach and service possibilities, intentional small groups, and other forms of practice, reflection, and engagement across all age-groups, including our children and youth ministry.

As a congregation this paradigm will become a directing framework calling us to bring into alignment our use of space, personnel, and time allocation. It will call for renewed and enhanced ways for those offering their time and talent in service and formation across this paradigm. In short, we’ll be kicking up some dust as we follow God’s call to become a community marked as Whole-Life Disciples.

Individuals will also be able to take stock of their own experience and where the Spirit is calling them to engage in new and deeper ways. This is where members will be able to offer their strengths to the rest of the body. Using a framework like this is like giving plants a trellis on which to climb and grow.

Stay tuned as we roll out this paradigm in the coming year for ways to deepen your relationship with Christ as more of your life comes into his light and we worship together as a community of Whole-Life Disciples of Jesus for the world.