Youth Ministry

Another year has passed and the youth ministry continues to be anchored to the clear purpose of Christ Church: “To restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.” Everything done in the youth ministry is done with this great goal in mind - that students would come to know, love, and treasure Jesus Christ, and they would experience the “abundant life” Jesus describes in the Gospel of John. For us, this means, consistently gathering together, teaching God’s word faithfully, sharing life and participating in Christ Church as a whole (worship, service, weekend away, etc.) and we need to have a lot of fun.

Wednesday Night Youth Group:

Wednesday nights are a joyful weekly gathering for our students. The ebb and flow of the evening is similar to years past - we spend time sharing the highs and lows of our past week, running around the church participating in a myriad of different games, hear biblical teaching and spend time in prayer/small group discussion. The students on the youth leadership team (Ian Wood, Cory Barcus and Grace Farr) have taken significant leadership in planning and leading games, inserting bits of humor and overall raising the joy and fun of Wednesday nights.

In the Fall, our teaching series was entitled “What is the Gospel?” Each week we examined a different passage in the Gospel of John, which presented the good news of Jesus Christ, in a new or different lens. We sought to show students the truth that God came to be known (Jn. 1) and came to die (Jn. 2). We explored the idea of saving faith and the implication of the Gospel; that we are filled with the Holy Spirit and then empowered to follow Jesus’ way of life.

HS Collective

High School students enjoy HS Collective on Sunday evenings. Pictured left to right: Ian Wood, Charles Coats, David Royster, Niaha Wilson, Grace Farr, Andrew Johnson, Cory Barcus, Xavier Ogden

HS Collective exists for high school students to deepen relationships with each other, while engaging in robust biblical discussion around culturally relevant and practical topics.The name, HS Collective, signifies two important values and aims. One, the Christian faith is meant to be lived and experienced in community. The hope is that we would become a group of individuals bound together by love for God and each other, united by a mutual interest (knowing God) as we navigate what it means to “Be With, Become Like, and Live Like Jesus” in today’s world. Secondly, HS Collective exists to allow students to collectively engage in God’s Word and learn how to apply his word to their lives.

HS Collective meets twice a month. There are about five to six students, along with two or three adult leaders, who engage in lively and fruitful discussion. We have spent the year studying through the book of Colossians. This time with the students has become a real highlight for me.

The students desire for a deeper understanding of God’s word is super encouraging!

Youth Leadership Team Mentors:

The Youth Leadership Team (YLT), which consists of three student leaders, has significant responsibility in planning and leading aspects of the youth ministry. An additional part of their commitment is a willingness towards soul care and discipleship. These students continue to meet with their assigned mentor for friendship and soul care. I am so thankful for the thoughtful, faithful and loyal love their mentors have shown. Mark Dafoe, Debbie Jonas and Casey Ruff embody all we hope God will do in our students. Thank you for sharing your life and time with our students!

Special Events:

Last year we had a myriad of special events. We met over the summer for park hangouts, an Olympic watch party, and a trip to Top Golf. We have spent time together at movie nights, putt putt golf, Super Bowl watch parties, etc. We began the school year with a back to school BBQ at the Farr’s home. We closed out the semester with a Christmas party - games, gingerbread house decorating, and a rousing game of musical chairs.


Good Friday Service:
By the gracious and skilled work of Curtis Robbins, we have a new Good Friday service script! We met with a number of students to hear their ideas and feedback for how to revamp this service. We are excited about the myriad of suggestions they presented. We look forward to a worshipful and soul stirring service on Good Friday.

Youth Sunday Service:
I am working with Fr. Todd, Tammie and Dan to establish a robust celebration of all that God has done in the lives of our graduating students (5th graders moving into middle school and seniors finishing high school). We hope to bring new life to the youth service, which will both encourage the Christ Church congregation and honor our students. Join us on May 4th!!!

One-on-One Discipleship:
I am praying and thinking about what it would look like to offer every interested student a youth mentor for one-on-one discipleship. I believe this is one of the most effective ways for the youth ministry to accomplish the vision of our church to “form deeply committed whole life disciples (yes, even when they are students!!) of Jesus for the world, by learning to Be With, Become Like and Live Like Jesus.” The youth ministry would not be the same without the number of volunteers who share their time and talents. Thank you to Barb Wood, Ian Horsky, David Royster and Bruce Dunn for all the things!! Thank you to the group of teachers who joyfully and skillfully teach on Wednesday nights - Andy Wood, Curtis Robbins, Brian Gray, Jessica Coats and Casey Ruff. Special shout out to the best youth mentors - Mark Dafoe, Debbie Jonas and Casey Ruff. Lastly of course my life wouldn't be the same without the friendship and support of Fr. Terry and Fr. Todd.