week of may 1 - 7: study of scripture

As whole-life disciples, we want to daily seek a personal relationship with Jesus. One of the ways to Be With Jesus is through the practice of reading, meditating on and the study of scripture. This is a pathway to the peace and joy we all desire.

Testimony Video



Why do we memorize God’s word? Jesus memorized scripture and He also invites us to this practice for the purpose of renewing our minds and transforming our lives. Memorizing scripture helps us know who God is and His will for us, see the world through His eyes, fight temptation, live in obedience, share the Gospel message and enjoy a hidden life with Christ.

Psalm 119:10-11

“ I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

Choose to spend a few minutes each day reciting the verse above, allowing its truth to shape your thoughts and heart. Write it out. Put it on your bathroom mirror, your fridge or car dashboard. Be With Jesus by letting his Word live in you.

personal reflection & small group materials

Anchor Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17

This verse describes how God uses scripture to train and lead us into all truth.

"All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work."

Small Group Intro Week 2

Reflection and Small Group Questions

Use the lectio divina practice to reflect upon the anchor scripture. What words or ideas stood out to you? Why?

What has your relationship to the Bible been throughout your relationship with Jesus? Has it changed over time?

What is the difference between “reading the Bible”, “studying the Bible”, and “listening to God through the Bible”?

What does this passage show you about the character or desires of God?

For you personally, what attitude, idea, or practice can you apply from this passage to help you to “be with Jesus” in your own life?


This week, consider adopting the practice of scripture meditation as an intentional way to be with Jesus.

Take 10 minutes each day to read the bible and listen to how the Spirit guides you.

  • Start with reading the gospel of Luke.

  • Read until a verse catches your attention, then stop.

  • Meditate on the word, phrase or image the Spirit reveals and ask why it caught your attention.

  • Carry that meditation through your day.

  • Pick up the next day where you left off.


other ways to engage


1) Articles:

2) Daily Meditation Website:

3) App:

  • Lectio365 (free download from App Store or Play Store)


  • Sunday Southlawn Picnics - Every Sunday after the 10:30 service from April 24 - May 29

  • Pentecost Food and Fun Celebration - June 5th, featuring carnival games, food trucks and bouncy house.