Deeper Discipleship is all about balancing faith among the three aspects of humanity; head, heart and hands.
When we bring the Seven Spiritual Disciplines, the Four Spiritual Pillars and the Five Baptismal Covenants together, we have the chief components of a balanced, fuller and integrated discipleship. Below are compelling and essential teachings on deeper discipleship. When we all strive to live deeper discipleship for the glory of God, the building up of His Church and the ushering in of His Kingdom, we will find ourselves living faith and life together. We invite you to strive for deeper discipleship through these dynamic lessons.
The Seven Spiritual Disciplines
For 2000 years Christians have been giving God access to our lives through these tried and true Seven Spiritual Disciplines. They are disciplines because they are not easy. They challenge us to submit our minds to God and be changed. We invite you to explore these disciplines through these impactful lessons.
The materials provided to explore more fully the Seven Spiritual Disciplines are audio files, texts and group discussion/personal reflection questions.
The Four Pillars of Christian Life
1500 years ago St. Benedict the founder of monasticism, invited people to a life of faith through the vows of Stability, Obedience, Conversion of Life and Hospitality. Benedict knew the cultivation of these dispositions of the heart would lead to deeper discipleship. What we know today is that these vows are truly Four Pillars of the Christian life, which call us to surrender our hearts to God and be transformed. Enter into a deeper understanding of the Christian heart through these powerful lessons.
The materials provided to explore more fully the Four Spiritual Pillars are audio files, texts and group discussion/personal reflection questions.
The Five Baptismal Covenants
The Baptismal Covenant of the Episcopal Church is a twofold covenant. The first portion is what we believe. It is the Nicene Creed asked in three questions. The second half of the covenant is five questions about how we are going to live out our faith in tangible, impactful and powerful ways. The Five Baptismal Covenants are about our faith in action, both in the church and in the world. Rediscover the power of your Baptism through these compelling lessons.
The materials provided to explore more fully the Five Baptismal Covenants are audio files, texts and group discussion/personal reflection questions.