Switching from PushPay to Tithely
We are excited to announce that giving to Christ Church is about to become easier and more convenient than ever!
we are officially moving from PushPay to Tithely Giving.
make the switch by august 15th following the steps below
This process will need to be done by you and will not be automatic. We are asking that you take care of this at least 3 days before your next recurring gift date with PushPay. We are also asking that you cancel your PushPay recurring gift and set up your Tithely recurring gift in the same day if possible.
STEP ONE: Cancel your PushPay recurring gift
If you’ve got recurring gifts set up with PushPay, make sure to cancel any recurring payments before moving forward with Tithely! You will need to signin to your PushPay account and cancel your recurring payment. If you feel you need step by step instructions for this process, please click here. If you can handle canceling on your own, click the button below to go to the signon page for PushPay.
STEP TWO: Getting started with Tithely
Option A: Set up your Tithely Account through Our Website
Click on this link https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=5d8f6477-21d0-4256-ba6a-e3fbfd157d8b to access a Giving Form on our church website.
Since this is your first time giving with Tithely, you will need to create an account that you can use for all future gifts. Click the “Sign Up” button in the upper right of the screen and follow the steps. The easiest way is to use your mobile phone to sign up, but there are also email and other options. You will go through a 2 step identification process, and then you will fill out the details of your recurring gift, like selecting the withdrawal date and the amount.
The first time, you will also need to add your credit/debit card or ACH/banking info.
Once your account has been set up and your recurring gift is scheduled, you will receive a confirmation email with the details of your giving. Now sit back and relax because we’ll take it from here!
Option B: Give on the Tithely Giving App
Download the Tithely App from the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android). Once you've downloaded the app, select your church and follow the steps listed below (for using a Giving Form).
Since this is your first time giving with Tithely, you will be prompted to create an account that you can use for all future gifts.
The first time, you will also need to add your credit/debit card or ACH/banking info.
Once your account is created, you can use the app at any time to give by just signing in with the unlock 4 digit code you set up on the app.
You now have the option of giving through the Tithely app or still using our website if you prefer, or both!
Do You Currently Give With Cash or Check?
If you regularly make donations in cash or with a check, we strongly encourage you to switch to digital giving! Online giving with Tithely makes it fast and simple to donate, and also reduces the amount of administrative labor we need to process gifts in cash or with a check. Click here to get started with Tithely.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us and we’d be happy to assist you further at 303-758-3674
Thank you for your generosity. Your financial partnership helps to build the Kingdom of God in our community–and world!