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Growing Deeper with Jesus
Two years ago, we gathered in Barnes Hall for our annual meeting after the banner year of 2019 in which Christ Church found itself growing in attendance, membership, and finances. All indicators were pointing up and to the right. As you may remember, the vestry called for a sabbatical of sorts. A time for the parish to step back, take stock, and discern God’s desire and will for Christ Church for the next seven years. The vestry, staff, leadership, and the members of the parish were going to enter into a structured season of discernment in 2020 for the future vision for Christ Church. And then it was like someone pulled the emergency brake on a car going 80 miles an hour.
A Year of Fits and Starts . . .
Wordsplayed, one of my favorite rappers, has a song that perfectly encapsulated the challenges of 2020: “They said 2019 was a wild year…. then 2020 said: ‘Ay, hold my beer.’ ”
The same could be said of 2021. While not quite as wearisome as 2020, this past year evinced some of the same lingering challenges and setbacks––not least the nagging coronavirus pandemic that just wouldn’t go away. Yet, through it all, God has proven faithful––“fully satisfying every need of [ours] according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:9)––and the church has not only endured but flourished.
Making Connections within the Congregation
The Rev. Terri Colburn
During 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic continued to impact pastoral care as usual at Christ Church. The task force formed in 2020 continued to function throughout 2021, though the meeting frequency diminished to once per month. We said a sad goodbye to Lisa McFarland at her retirement. Our goals continue to be: making connections within the congregation, focusing primarily on persons who might be especially impacted during the pandemic.
We Long to Taste the Cup of our Eucharistic Life in Christ . . .
Vestry Senior Wardens Debbie Jonas & Brian Gray
As parishioners, leadership, and staff of Christ Church, we’ve all lived faithfully within another year of disrupted communal life in 2021. We long to taste the cup of our Eucharistic life in Christ. We want to regularly see one another’s faces, both in-person and without masks. Many of us feel the low-level malaise that this isn’t what we’ve previously known and loved about “living faith and life together.”
A Year of Steady Improvements
Don Thornton, Parish Administrator
The most visible work all year was the continuing progress on the multi-year project of Organ Modernization, adding 1300 pipes to the Sanctuary’s organ. A group of committed volunteers and staff constructed a structural framework and an attractive facade to house new chambers of pipes. Part of the project included renovations to the stage area for the choir and the band. Much restoration and tuning of the pipes also occurred behind the scenes and mainly in the West Room.
Don Thornton, Parish Administrator
The church had a positive year financially, ending the year in the black by $5,800. This result occurred while using only 54% of the subsidies from reserves authorized by the Vestry. The Vestry had approved using $295,000 from reserves to meet operational costs, but only $159,000 was needed. Parishioners continued to give generously, contributing $129,340 or 10.4% more than the previous year. All of these things occurred under the umbrella of the Lord’s faithful love, provision, and care for Christ Church.
The Joy of the Lord is your Strength
The Rev. Joseph Wolyniak
I thoroughly enjoyed getting to witness firsthand the joy of Vacation Bible School at Christ Church, with Tammie Sawicki and a veritable army of volunteers working tirelessly, around-the-clock, day in and day out, for weeks over the summer to welcome neighbors into our faith community and share the love of Jesus with kids of all ages. My award-winning acting debut as Cam the Engineer was undoubtedly a highlight for all.
Tammie Sawicki, Director of Children’s Ministry
Being able to meet in person was embraced by Children's Ministry in 2021! The kids were excited about seeing each other and their teachers in person. Part of the opportunities that were presented was keeping things that worked last year as well as working creatively with the changing environment that COVID presented.
Brady TenBarge, Youth Director
After a challenging 2020 in which “Zooming” and “social distancing” were buzz words, the Youth Ministry at Christ Church responded well to in-person gatherings in 2021. We experienced steady growth in Youth Group on Wednesday evenings, averaging 21 students.
Bruce Dunn, Volunteer Teacher
At the start of the pandemic (2019), the Sunday morning class was studying the gospels. This course was resumed under COVID restrictions in 2020 using a hybrid format. When that course finished in September of 2020, members of the class asked for a course in basic Christian beliefs. This course started in May of 2020 and finished at the end of May 2021.
The Rev. Joseph Wolyniak
Despite the aforementioned COVID challenges of this year, we continue to strive to expand, deepen, and develop authentic fellowship, steadfast prayer, and supportive caring within the life of the church.
We found opportunities to do just that through an amazing Men’s Retreat at The Hideaway in Colorado Springs, which I was privileged to lead––
Christi James
Outreach provides opportunities to the members of Christ Church to live into the following baptismal promises: to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ, seek and serve Christ in all persons, strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being. Our goal is to develop meaningful relationships with each of our ministry partners, meet real needs, and engage parishioners of all ages in active service. Learn more about the work of Outreach at Christ Church . . .
Our salvation rests on the most generous gift
of Christ’s death for us on the cross.
As emulators of Christ,
we are called to be generous in all things.
Mindy Tipton, Director, Treasureland Preschool
Treasureland Preschool has provided a nurturing early childhood environment since 1956. Throughout its long history, the school has valued providing a high-quality early education that encourages a love of learning, supports social and emotional competence, encourages friendships among families, fosters critical thinking skills, and values relationships. Prioritizing relationship-building, the staff works to build community and provide a safe space for young children to learn, share, and grow.
Fran Berry, Head Verger
In last year’s annual report, I used a baseball analogy for how Christ Church dealt with the COVID pandemic. This year football seems to offer a better analogy. Most Christ Church Worship Ministries were still “sidelined” at the start of 2021. Throughout the year we began making headway in reinstating certain ministries, but the COVID pandemic was, is, and continues to be a tough opponent.
A graphic representation of our Membership, Stewardship and Attendance numbers.
A photo journey of life at Christ Church.