DeeDee Atwood
Communications Director
Communication plays an essential role in everything we do at Christ Church. The best programs in the world will fall flat without presenting the right message at the right time. We are tasked with keeping you up-to-date on the latest happenings around church, offering quick and efficient online registrations, managing video production and livestream events and presenting our outward appearance to newcomers through our website to just name a few.
In an effort to simplify our website, we rolled out a new design in the summer of 2022 that combined our Christ Church Denver and Christ Church Live websites into one. The result is a much cleaner, easier to follow site where all of our materials can be sourced in one spot. We also made great progress with online registrations for classes and events by offering links in our Weekly E-News which drive people to our website. The idea is to train our parishioners that our Weekly E-News and website are the top vehicles for finding up to the minute information about our church. We currently have over 500 subscribers to our Weekly E-News, and over 32,000 people visited our website in 2022.
We continue to attract high numbers to our livestream services each week, and are proud to say that we have several “online only” members from across the country. COVID forced us into the livestreaming world, and our numbers prove that people love having the additional offering for weeks where they can’t make it to church.
Our video class library continues to grow with several new additions in 2022 including preaching and small group discussion series, weekly bible studies and a newcomer video series. You can check them out here.
Many thanks to our dedicated tech team (Adam and Michele Pierson and Zack Ruybal) who continue to move us forward and keep us on the cutting edge of technology in our diocese. We completed our tech project in Room 217 which enables us to host classes and meetings via Zoom Rooms, and a new camera was installed for Baptisms in the Commons. Goals for 2023 include completing our Loft technology renovation which will give us a larger space for hybrid classes and events.