Dan Dufford
Director of Music
mixing ancient and modern styles
Christ Church is blessed with an abundance of talent and energy to offer musical excellence to the Glory of God. Our program is comprised of volunteer and staff musicians who work together seamlessly to produce a unique blend of ancient and modern musical styles. This year marked the successful re-start of both our regular choral and modern music programs since the COVID shutdowns of 2020 and 2021. Currently there are close to 30 musicians that regularly play or sing with the Choir and Band. Both groups endeavor to provide effective musical leadership for congregational singing and to offer the best of both traditional Anglican music and modern church music each Sunday. The Choir is open to all parishioners who are interested in singing with us and can commit to the rehearsal schedule. The Band is an audition-only group due to the special musical capacity our program currently requires. If you are interested in becoming a part of our music ministry, please contact Dan Dufford, our Director of Music.
Our ongoing Organ Modernization Project is also currently led by our Music Ministry.
In 2017 we began collecting ranks of pipes from decommissioned churches across the Midwest which were otherwise destined for the landfill.
The vision was to expand our organ with tone and range which our present organ does not possess.
When the pandemic hit, we decided it was time to begin a project to build an organ “in-house” under the direction of Dan Dufford (organ designer), Bruce Dunn (engineer and project manager) and John Bredehoeft (master woodworker).
Phase 1 is the building and installation of a new organ containing 30 ranks and over eighteen-hundred pipes, which we hope to complete by the end of 2023.
Phase 2 is to integrate both instruments into one that is playable through a new moveable console.
Raising additional funds for phase 2 will begin after we have accomplished phase 1. If you are interested in being a volunteer on the project please contact Dan, Bruce, or John.