Alice Bagley, Pastoral Care Coordinator
handling the spiritual needs of our congregation
It is hard to believe that it has been two years since I started the position of Pastoral Care Coordinator. I am honored to be a part of “those times” in your life where you have a spiritual or prayerful need. I work closely with Fr. Terry and Fr. Todd advising them of these special concerns. I carry what is referred to as the “bat” phone 24/7. This is a dedicated phone and I am always available to take your calls. The phone number is 720-587-9418.
Last year a goal was set to revitalize the Eucharistic Visitor ministry. COVID had brought a stall to this ministry and once restrictions were lifted there were those who were reluctant to have an Eucharistic minister in their home. I am glad to say that the doors are once again being opened to this ministry and almost every week, Eucharistic visitors are being sent out.
We can use more Eucharistic visitors! As an EV you would normally see a parishioner once a month, although some parishioners may need a visit twice a month depending upon their age and condition. If you feel like you would like to be part of this ministry there are online training sessions provided by the Diocese of Colorado. Please contact me, Alice Bagley, at 720-587-9418, if you would like more information. Being able to bring Jesus to others is a wonderful gift!
Prayer team
The Christ Church prayer team has continued to meet weekly. This is a dedicated core group that weekly goes through a list of parishioners and friends and family of parishioners. The needs and concerns are discussed and documented. All information is confidential and only shared with the core members of the group. Scott Barnes has done a superb job updating weekly a spreadsheet better known as the narrative. Spence Flournoy is the dedicated leader of this vital ministry. We welcomed Carol Oliver and Erik Fisk to the team this past year and said goodbye to Judy Stromberg who decided to step down. We thank Judy for her many years of service.
Carol Oliver has been doing a great job with Meal Train. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this ministry, Meal Train provides meals to those who could use a break from cooking due to an illness, birth of a new child, etc… Once a request for meals is received an email is sent to participants advising the name of the family or individuals needing meals, frequency and any dietary requirements or likes and dislikes of certain foods. There is an active need for this ministry and Carol could use more volunteers to provide meals or even restaurant gift cards! Please contact Carol Oliver or myself if you would like to be added to this list!
Since 2011, the Prayer Shawl Ministry at Christ Church has given 408 shawls to parishioners, family, and friends who needed the presence of God in the comfort of a prayer shawl...whether suffering from illness, job loss, death of loved ones, anxiety, or just going through tough times. In 2024, the Ministry blessed 21 people with prayer shawls. The group usually meets on the first Thursday afternoon in Room 215 and welcomes new knitting/crocheting friends any time. Look for meeting announcements in your weekly E-News.
LOOKING back and looking ahead
One of the goals for this past year was to implement a ride ministry for parishioners without the ability to come to church. Unfortunately, we will be unable to provide rides due to liability issues. Looking ahead I hope to see growth with the Eucharistic Visitor and Meal Train programs. I hope to work closely with the new Women’s Ministry and continue to work with the Men’s Group to help support any pastoral needs they may have.