Steve Petty
Outreach Chair
The mission of Outreach at Christ Church is, "To Restore Hope to a Suffering World and Be Transformed Into the Likeness of Christ." We align our work with the purpose of Christ Church Denver (CCD) and are committed to forming whole-life disciples of Jesus for the world. Our aim is to engage parishioners in activities where they learn how to Be With, Become Like, and Live Like Jesus.
For the Outreach Commission (OC), 2024 was a year of change. After over a decade of excellent leadership, Christi James elected to step down as the chairman of the OC so that she could pursue other challenges in her life. Later in the year Brice Davis and Ron Fish stepped down, having each been on the commission for over a decade. These individuals deserve a great deal of credit for making the OC what it is today. Please acknowledge and thank them for all their hard work over the years!
We assist our Community through donations of items to the Christ Church Blessing Box. Many hundreds of pounds of food and clothing, as well as eyeglasses were donated to the Blessing box by members of CCD. These donations were given to several ministry partners.
Clothing, toiletries, and sleeping bags went to St. Clare’s Ministry, and St. Francis Center.
Food was donated to Metro Caring and St. Francis Center.
Used eyeglasses were donated to Medical Ministry International.
New activities this year involving the Blessing Box included a Blue Jeans Drive for St. Clare’s. Parishioners also bagged beans and rice, and made sandwiches for Metro Caring. Various food drives occurred during the year to try to assist the many people in Denver living with food insecurity.
We created a new Outreach Table in 2024 in The Commons, which allows us to showcase our Ministry Partners so that the congregation can see what they are doing in the world.
A formal showcase was presented by each of our Ministry Partners.
Informal presentations were given by Ministry Partners, as well as by other nonprofits supported by members of Christ Church.
Meet Our Ministry Partners
Christ Church partners with six local ministries and two global ministries. In 2022 we hosted four Ministry Partner Forums featuring the work of Set Free Prison Ministry, Teach Men to Fish, Providence Network, and El Hogar. In 2023 the Outreach Commission will host forums for our other four ministries.
El Hogar Ministries (Honduras)
Contact: Christi James
Locally Haiti
Contact: Bob Arnott
Metro Caring
Contact: Paula Philbrick
Providence Network
Contact: Harriett Kazzimir
Set Free Prison Ministry
Contact: Betty Riddell
St. Clare’s Ministry
Contact: Nathan Farr
St. Francis Center
Contact: Kathi Rudolph
Sun Valley Youth Center
Contact: Christi James
Teach Men to Fish (Uganda)
Contact: Cyndy McRae
we tithe 10%
Christ Church tithes 10% of the plate and pledge donations to support Outreach. We use that money for numerous projects in the community and internationally.
Monthly support and special grants were issued to the 8 ministry partners
Special grants were issued to ministries in need throughout the year.
Monthly support is given for the High Plains Ministry of the Episcopal Church of Colorado
Individual grant funding occurs for special projects by our parishioners and for mission trip financial assistance.
Numbers at a Glance
Outreach Fund-Support
10% of monthly giving to Outreach $129,321
King Soopers Card program $2,211
Monthly Giving to Ministry Partners $48,000
Giving to High Plains Region- Diocese of CO $64,661
Grants to ministry partners $52,366
Grants to individuals $2,100
Emergency funding $2,000
Clergy directed funding $3,000 (VBS)
El Hogar Coffee Proceeds $556
The OC has money invested in the Colorado Episcopal Foundation. This includes monies in equity, bond and money market funds for a total of $93,664. The balance of all of the monies available to the OC at the end of 2024 was $117,016.
we serve the community
Our most heartfelt mission in the OC is to involve our members in serving the community and the world. Here are some of the ways our church members served in 2024.
Bagged beans and rice and made sandwiches after the 10:30 service for Metro Caring.
Provided cupcakes for birthdays of children and teens at the Sun Valley Youth Center.
Held church services, served meals, and distributed clothing to those in need at St. Clare’s ministry.
Taught Bible lessons to prisoners through mail correspondence at Set Free Prison Ministries.
Served individuals without a place to live at St. Francis Center.
Served many homemade meals for individuals in the Providence Network facilities.
Taught young adults in Uganda how to build buildings with Teach Men to Fish.
Connected with youth, families, teachers and caregivers in Honduras with El Hogar Ministries.
Delivered eye care to thousands of people in Arequipa, Peru with Medical Ministries International.
Delivered food relief to the people of Sudan through Nuba Family Services.
locally haiti - our newest ministry partner
We are proud to introduce our newest ministry partner Locally Haiti which is a ministry concerned with education and health care for the people living in the area of Petit Trou, Haiti.