Finance Report 2024

Brady TenBarge
Director of Operations


Christ Church concluded the fiscal year with a positive net income of $7,711, a testament to both higher-than-expected revenue and lower-than-estimated expenses. Additionally, although the Vestry approved the use of $214,000 from reserve funds to support operational costs, we required only $126,000 (58.3%). We are deeply grateful for the generosity of our parish, as overall contributions remained consistent with last year’s giving.

At year-end, Christ Church maintained $1.57 million in available reserve funds, with $929,000 prudently set aside as a six-month operating reserve. The remaining $637,000 is designated for missional initiatives that align with our new strategic plan (see Fr. Terry’s ministry report for further details). This strong reserve fund balance not only underscores our financial stability but also enables us to advance our mission in both our local and expanding online communities. Additionally, operating cash and designated funds totaled $3,038,813, and Total Net Assets stood at $4,154,606.

online giving

In May, we successfully transitioned from Pushpay to our new online giving platform, Tithely, streamlining the giving process and enhancing stewardship by saving $8,000 annually in administrative fees. The transition was well received, with 46.5% of all donations given online—a 4.1% increase from last year. Online giving in 2024 totaled $659,972 – reflecting a 10.4% increase from the previous year.

Treasureland Preschool

Treasureland Preschool ended the calendar year with a surplus of $20,309, thanks to unexpected grants and lower-than-anticipated expenses. Under the exemplary leadership of Preschool Director Mindy Tipton, Treasureland continues to invest in the growth of its teachers and families while expanding its evangelistic impact within the communities we serve.

The Narthex Project

In December 2023, we received a $1.123 million dollar grant from Lilly Endowment’s Thriving Congregations Initiative for a 5-year project titled: “The Narthex” (see Fr. Joseph’s ministry report for further details). In 2024, we budgeted to use $308,058 but required only $304,176, primarily due to lower-than-anticipated personnel expenses. The resulting $3,882 surplus will be carried forward for future use with the project.

2025 Budget

The Finance Committee recommended, and the Vestry approved, a 2025 budget based on conservative revenue estimates and realistic expense projections. Revenue estimates are based upon the monthly averages of the past two years, while expense estimates reflect our 2025 ministry plans and known fixed costs, including anticipated personnel adjustments to support our strategic plan.

The 2025 budget maintains our commitment to Outreach and the Diocese, allocating 10% of tithes and offerings to each of these ministries. The budget anticipates utilizing $298,000 from reserve funds for missional initiatives, $82,000 more than last year’s estimate. However, reserve funds will only be withdrawn if necessary, on a monthly basis. The Vestry has also established aggressive growth markers for 2025 to guide the use of reserves, with the ultimate goal of balancing our budget through consistent growth.

the legacy society

The Christ Church Legacy Society was established in 2017. It is comprised of families and individuals who, because of their deep love for our church and desire for our ministry to be vibrant for generations to come, have remembered Christ Church in their estate planning. We have over 46 families and individuals as part of the society, many of whom are named on our Legacy Society plaque in the commons area. 

Since the Society was established, we have received 18 gifts of varying sizes, totaling $1.2 million. By divine providence, the Legacy Society was established just before the pandemic and played a vital role in sustaining Christ Church through the challenging and uncertain years of 2020–2024. We are deeply thankful for the generosity of those who have gone before us and still support the life and ministry of the church. Presently, the Legacy fund has a balance of $540,000. 

In 2025, the vestry approved using funds from the Legacy Society fund to support missional initiatives associated with our new vision, mission and strategic plan. This is an investment in the future of Christ Church as we seek to actively and intentionally grow and be faithful to God’s vision for Christ Church.

The Legacy Society is currently inviting Christ Church members who are not yet part of the society to consider joining during our 2025 enrollment. It is as easy as making Christ Church a beneficiary on a life insurance policy or part of your IRA disbursement at one's passing. We have gift advisors who can help you navigate those decisions and fulfill your desire for Christ Church to thrive and flourish for generations to come.

If you are interested in learning more about the Christ Church Legacy Society, please click here.


This year, we welcomed Todd Blackham as our full-time Associate for Whole-Life Discipleship. His strong leadership was most notably recognized during the summer while Fr. Terry McGugan was on sabbatical. Additionally, we onboarded Ashley Graham-Wilcox as our Communications Coordinator to support Fr. Joseph Wolyniak with “The Narthex” project and work alongside our Communications Director DeeDee Atwood to enhance our church’s digital presence across all platforms.

In 2025, Fr. John Wengrovius has chosen to scale back his involvement as associate priest but will continue to support the life and ministry of Christ Church in meaningful ways (see Fr. John’s ministry report for further details).

As we continue to lean into our strategic plan it will shape the future structure of both staff and volunteer roles, ensuring alignment with our Vestry-discerned God-ordained vision for Christ Church in the years to come.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our Treasurer Jeff Rudolph and Assistant Treasurer Fran Berry for their faithful service this past year. Special thanks also go to our Finance Committee members—Suraya Bowermaster, Spence Flournoy, Debbie Jonas, John Morrison, Matt Potts, and Chris Smith—whose wise judgment and unwavering commitment continue to ensure the responsible stewardship of all that God has entrusted to Christ Church.

Above all, we give thanks to the Lord for His abundant blessings, guiding us as we step into another year of faith-filled ministry.