Addendum A

God’s Vision for Christ Church Denver

Christ Church Denver desires to form a community of deeply committed whole-life disciples of Jesus for the world, by learning to Be With, Become Like, and Live Like Jesus.

God’s Mission for Christ Church Denver

God has blessed Christ Church Denver with a Vision to be a community of deeply committed whole-life disciples of Jesus for the world. If we are faithful to living into this Vision, we believe that in the year 2030, through the grace of God, the following points will describe the Christ Church community and our congregation will have more than doubled our 2023 size with at least 600 people worshiping at our main campus each weekend plus hundreds more joining us on line.

We will…

Worship and Faith Formation

  • Continue to strive for excellence in our worship of the living God in spirit and truth through the time-honored patterns and practices of the Church.

  • More intentionally and overtly be Christ-centered and directed in our personal lives and in our faith community.

  • Be a community of disciples of Jesus who have been transformed and empowered by the Holy Spirit’s manifest and active presence in our worship, ministries, and personal lives.

  • Be formed, informed, and guided by the truth of the Bible as we pursue holiness personally and as a faith community.

  • Have a comprehensive process for formation to become a deeply committed whole-life disciple of Jesus for the world.

Goals: Worship and Faith Formation

  1. Re-evaluate and reimagine the worship services to engage people at different points in their lives and/or with different worship preferences.

  2. Develop a comprehensive process for whole-life disciple formation

  3. Invigorate CCD’s Ministry for Children, Students and Families.

Community and Fellowship

  • Be an expanded life-giving, joy-filled community of faithful disciples of Jesus from all ages, stages, and conditions of life.

Goals: Community and Fellowship

  1. Provide opportunities for deep and abiding relationships and community

  2. Grow, engage, and incorporate our current digital community.

Ministry and Service

(Ministry is activities inside the parish and Service is activities outside the parish)

  • Be intentional and openly prayerful, caring, compassionate, and generous in our ministry and service to each other, our local community, and the world.

  • Support and encourage one another as we humbly seek to be aligned with Jesus’ desires for us, both personally and as a community of faith.

Goals: Ministry and Service

  1. Develop ministry to different groups within the congregation.

  2. Develop assessment tools and processes for people to offer gifts in ministry and service.

  3. Develop opportunities for service within our local area.

  4. Expand Pastoral Care Ministry.

Evangelism, Incorporation and Ecumenical Engagement

  • Continue to draw people from our immediate neighborhoods, the Denver metro area, and across the country through our in-person and digital offerings.

  • Warmly reach out to and welcome all who are drawn to know God more fully and invite them to join us in our community of deeply committed whole-life disciples of Jesus for the world.

  • Learn from and be a gift and resource to other Christian churches by sharing our mutual experiences, knowledge, and resources, so that we can all thrive together.

Goals: Evangelism, Incorporation and Ecumenical Engagement

  1. Engage and serve those in our immediate neighborhood.

  2. Develop and implement a comprehensive and effective year-long Evangelism/Incorporation process:

  3. Develop our engagement with other Christian churches.