Worship Ministries

Fran Berry, Head Verger

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.”

- Psalm 100:1-2

Psalm 100 perfectly summarizes the joy and purpose of our Worship at Christ Church. Our hearts overflow with love for the Lord, and we want to bring Him praise and glory.

Our worship experience is created through the work and art of many dedicated individuals. From acolytes to musicians, readers to prayer warriors, our worship ministry weaves together a lovely tapestry of praise to our Lord each and every week. We are grateful to have so many talented volunteers who help create an environment of praise and worship to His name. It takes a village to pull it all together.


Acolytes are servants to the clergy during the worship service assisting in the preparation for Holy Communion, carrying the processional cross(es) and torches, assisting with the offering plates and seeing that the altar candles are lit at the proper times. John Bredehoeft, Acolyte Trainer, established a regular training schedule and is updating the Acolyte Customary to be completed in 2024.

Ministry Leaders:
John Bredehoeft (jbredehoeft@gmail.com), Graham Kolb (grahamkolb@comcast.net)


The Altar Guild is responsible for setting up the altar, maintaining the area behind the altar rail and side altar, also cleaning and maintaining all the Holy Items used during services including vessels, linens, candles and vestments worn by priests.

Ministry Leader: Allison Moore (hmsmokey@nilenet.com)


AV Technicians operate the audio and service graphics for Sunday morning services. Some technical skill is required and operators are fully trained by the heads of this ministry.

Ministry Leaders: Adam and Michele Pierson, Zack Ruybal.

Adam Pierson (adam@piersonmanor.com)

Michele Pierson (michele@piersonmanor.com)

Zack Ruybal (zack@zruybal.com)


Lectors are the lay readers of the Word at Sunday services. Given the importance of the Scriptures, lectors are charged with proclaiming the Word clearly, purposefully, and respectfully. Lectors may read Scriptures live during the worship service or record a video for use at the appropriate point in the service.

Ministry Leader: Jo Churchill (gjchurchill@snowcrest.net)


One aspect of our corporate worship as Episcopalians is audible prayer led by a member of the congregation. Prayers either come from the Book of Common Prayer or are composed by designated individuals, both of which follow a prescribed outline.

Ministry Leader:
Dennis Ridgley (dennisridgley@msn.com)


These prayer ministers are available during and after Holy Communion to pray with anyone who comes for prayer.

Ministry Leaders: Dennis Ridgley (dennisridgley@msn.com)
Shirley Ridgley (shirleyridgley@hotmail.com)


Ushers greet people, answer questions, help with seating, take up the collection, and assist with Holy Communion by providing the clergy with the count of persons present, bringing the gifts of bread and wine forward, and helping with the logistics of persons coming forward to receive Communion. Additional Ushers are needed for special services, especially Christmas and Easter, when more congregants are in attendance at these services. Consider joining this ministry as an individual, family team, or with a friend.

Ministry Leader: Bruce Dunn (brucedunn38@gmail.com)


Vergers assist the clergy to assure a seamless congregational worship experience. Vergers partner with Worship Ministry Leaders to address training, planning, and other issues specific to individual ministries. David Royster joined the Verger team in 2023 as Paxton Robbins headed off to college.

Ministry Leader: Fran Berry (fberry@estreet.com)


Lay Eucharistic Ministers (Chalice Bearers) assist the clergy with the distribution of the wine during Holy Communion at all Sunday and other special services.  A total of 28 volunteers serve as Chalice Bearers. A new customary was developed to ensure consistency in serving the Blood of Christ at each service.