Christian Formation

We learn to Be with, Become like, and Live Like Jesus, across all sorts of teaching and reflecting opportunities at Christ Church. From regular preaching series on Sundays, to ongoing Bible Study, as well as in-person discussion groups, and online offerings, there is a rich assortment to choose from.

preaching series

This year our congregation focused in several areas to deepen their faith. The following series were offered in 2024:

Throughout Epiphany, Quiet: learning about and practicing silent/contemplative prayer. Several times the congregation was invited to spend five minutes in silence during the service to actively engage the practice.

During Eastertide, Resurrection Hope: the themes of living into the Hope of the resurrection with accompanying discussion questions for small group reflection.

Over the Summer, Holy Habits: Cultivating Christlike Virtue: based on the Virtue remedies to the medieval, Seven Deadly Sins. Parishioner and medieval scholar Grace Hamman joined Frs. Joseph and Todd in preaching. Following each service a discussion group met in Barnes Hall (with deluxe treats!) to identify practices to cultivate each virtue.

In the Fall, Redeeming Work: Christ Church member and VP of the Denver Institute for Faith and Work, Brian Gray along with colleague Joanna Meyer, guided a series of sermons to engage our ideas about work and holy vocation to engage our faith with the time we spend working.

In God We Trust?: was the theme of this year’s Stewardship Season, with teaching on the power of money and ways to respond in faith.

bible studies

Our church is committed to strong biblical literacy and learning and this tradition continued with several Bible studies.

Galatians: Nearly every Sunday Fr. Terry continues to teach from the book of Galatians making steady progress through the text. These lessons are recorded and available online.

Romans: Bruce Dunn concluded 21 weeks of this study in May. The group met in the Loft between services with the option to attend via Zoom.

Revelation: On Sundays beginning in fall of 2024, Bruce Dunn has begun studying through Revelation between services. This class is also available through Zoom.

Psalms: On Monday evenings via Zoom, Bruce Dunn is leading a group through the Psalms. So far, they have covered 83 of the Psalms.

topical offerings

Introduction to Contemplative Prayer, was offered by Fr. Todd in Lent in Julian’s Chapel between the services. This class gave an introduction to contemplative prayer as in The Cloud of Unknowing, and Fr. Thomas Keating’s Intimacy with God. Each session also included a 10 minute sit, to engage the practice directly.


Fr Joseph Wolyniak, while serving as Program Director of The Narthex, continued to offer regular online classes––from a Gospel for Our Work class with Dr Ryan Tafalowski (Denver Seminary) to our continued engagement with Practicing the Way courses (including fasting, quiet, and a summer slow read of John Mark Comer’s Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus, become like him, do as he did). On quarterly visits to the parish, he hosted weekend retreats and workshops including: a silence and solitude workshop with Fr Todd and Advent quiet day with Bethany Lutheran Denver. Participation in online classes remains strong, averaging 40-50 attendees, with 75-100 for in-person weekend offerings.