As always, we continue to look for ways to help folks get connected and deepen in relationship with one another in Christ. This can take place over coffee after a service or through more intentional times of connection.
friends for easter
During the 50 days of Easter we coordinated several small groups to meet to share a meal and discuss questions provided related to the Sunday Sermons. Six different groups met over 6 weeks to go a little deeper in faith and relationship.
parish potlucks
In 2024 our community gathered several times to share meals between services, especially on major feasts of the Christian year. On Palm Sunday, and Pentecost we gathered in Barnes Hall to enjoy one another’s company. In July after a rousing Americana Sunday over 90 friends gathered in the courtyard for burgers and hot dogs provided by the Men’s Group.
In 2025 there will be regular monthly potlucks after the 10:30 service geared especially to welcome new people into our congregation, so plan to be there to forge new connections and deepen current friendships.
retreats and quiet days
Getting away from your typical routine to a place set aside for prayer, learning, and fellowship can really deepen a sense of community.
The Men’s Group hosted their annual retreat to The Hideaway in Colorado Springs. Over 20 guys spent a weekend being led by Fr. Todd in sharing their stories of faith, worshiping with music provided by members, Steve Petty and Jono Schuster, and spending time on the grounds.
The Women of Christ Church hosted two half-day retreats, one hosted by Jean McLachlan Hess on the topic of carving out time for Jesus. And the other in November hosted by Fr. Todd teaching on the preparation themes of Advent.
Quiet Retreat at Sacred Heart
On a beautiful May weekend, 12 parishioners joined Fr. Todd at the Sacred Heart Retreat Center in Sedalia for a time to practice silence and solitude. The lilac bushes were in bloom and deer wandered the property as we took time to draw closer to Christ.
Weekend Away
Weekend Away has become the quintessential wrap-up to summer here at Christ Church and 2024 was no different. Our theme this year was the kickoff to our Redeeming Work preaching series. Biggest thanks to Brian Gray for helping us navigate what redeeming work is all about.
With over 130 participants, we set the record for the largest multi-day, all-ages retreat hosted off-site by Christ Church in 2024. What a fantastic achievement and we are so thankful for everyone that made this possible. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank everyone who helped from Carol Hard with housing, Nate Farr and Andy Wood for leading the Work Crew, Curtis Robbins for leading the Talent Show, Tammie Sawicki for leading the Children’s Programming, and Lynda Hellman for tremendous administrative support. In addition, thank you for the support of all those not named.
As always, the weekend was anchored by our amazing tech team of Zack Ruybal and Adam Pierson. There would be no Weekend Away without them. To see what amazing magic they work in 2025, join us at Trail West September 12-14. I am contractually obligated to point out that we got bumped from Labor Day Weekend, so if you like getting stuck in mountain traffic, this probably isn’t for you.