Parish Development Report

The Rev. John Wengrovius


Below are the highlights of my service to CCD as the part-time (~15 hrs./wk.) Associate for Parish Development in 2024:

  • Completed with the Vestry a comprehensive discernment process to affirm God’s Vision and Mission for CCD. Out of that discernment were developed the Categories, Goals, and some Key Objectives of a Strategic Plan for the Parish to move more deeply into God’s desired future for the next several years. These were presented to the Parish at its Annual Meeting in March.

  • Worked throughout the year with the Pastoral Care Coordinator and made pastoral visits when requested.

  • Served as a liturgical, pastoral, and general backup to the full-time Associate during the Rector’s sabbatical from May through August.

  • Served at the Sunday liturgies.

  • Developed and presented to the Rector a proposal to reconsider the Sunday worship (times and focus of services) to be in line with the Vision, Mission, and Strategic Plan. The Rector edited the proposal, presented it to the Vestry, and, in the fall, presented it to the Parish at a special Sunday morning meeting. Two new strategically focused worship offerings will begin in January 2025, one on Sunday evening and the other Wednesday evening. An additional Sunday morning worship service will be introduced in the summer of 2025. In addition, the Vestry used a missional discernment process based on the Strategic Plan to develop CCD’s 2025 budget.

  • Planned and celebrated at several funerals during the year.

  • Served as a general backup to the full-time clergy when one or the other were out of town or otherwise not available.

Moving Into Retirement

With the Vision, Mission, and Strategic Plan in the hands of the Rector and Vestry, I will be stepping away from that work, save developing a proposal for a comprehensive Welcome and Incorporation Ministry for those interested in and/or new to CCD.

I will also be reducing my official liturgical and pastoral duties starting in 2025. I will be serving on Sunday mornings at only the 10:30 Eucharist and attending just one Staff Meeting each month.

I will still be available to help with funerals and special worship services and to provide backup for the two full-time clergy when needed. My compensated hours will be reduced accordingly from 15 to 5 hours/week. This is in response to me sensing that I am called to move more fully into retirement as I approach the ninth year of my retirement and my 75th birthday this coming May.