Quiet — Christ Church Denver

 “Without solitude, it is impossible to have a spiritual life.”

- Henri Nowen

Distraction is one of the greatest threats to spiritual health in the modern world.

We all feel it. We’re bombarded by clamor and commotion like never before. Yet amid the nonstop noise, there is a restless yearning in our souls. Jesus has an invitation for us: step away from it all to be alone with him, for the sake of our souls and the sake of others.

Join us for this 5-week preaching + small-group series beginning Sunday, January 14th, designed to help you escape disquietude and distraction to be with God––in solitude, silence, stillness, and surrender.

There are four ways to participate:

1) Use our practice + discussion guide with your friends, family, or small group

Grab a free small-group guide from our Welcome Desk (or click the button below) to use with your friends, family, or small group. The weekly spiritual exercises, corresponding to the Sunday sermon, will help you enter into the discipline of quietude step-by-step. Teaching videos from Pastor John Mark Comer, with small-group discussion questions, are also available below.

2) Join an online practice + discussion group

Tuesdays, 6.30-7.30pm MT (beginning Tue 1/16)

If you don’t have a small group, or would prefer to join Fr Joseph and fellow parishioners online––Tuesdays, 6.30-7.30pm MT, beginning January 16th.

Register below and you will receive a Zoom link with further details.

3) Solitude + Silence Workshop with Fr Joseph

Saturday, January 27th

Save the date for an upcoming Solitude + Silence Workshop with Fr Joseph:
Saturday, January 27th, 8.20-11.30am MT
Christ Church Denver.


4) Contemplative Prayer Group

Every Saturday at 8:20 am in the Library - LEARN MORE HERE


Week 1: The Quiet Place

Distraction is a threat to our minds, bodies, and souls. But through solitude, we’re invited into Jesus’ pattern of retreating from distractions to be fully present with the Father and returning to serve in community.

Sermon Practice, Reflection & Discussion Video

Practice Guide

Week 2: Encounter with Our Self

Solitude can be deeply refreshing, but just as often it can feel like painful emotional surgery. As we notice and name the pain we’ve been avoiding through distraction, God forms us into the people he’s always desired us to become.

Sermon Practice, Reflection & Discussion Video

Week 3: Encounter with Our Enemy

Jesus and his early followers fought battles in solitude. As we face resistance from three enemies of our soul — the world, the flesh, and the devil — in solitude, we learn to fight lies by listening carefully for God’s voice in Scripture.

Sermon Practice, Reflection & Discussion Video

Week 4: Encounter with Our God

Through solitude, we create space for God’s presence, speaking and listening to God and simply loving him and being loved. Solitude allows the Spirit of God to interject his thoughts and desires into our souls.

Sermon Practice, Reflection & Discussion Video

Practice Guide

For further reading + engagement:

Centering Prayer App:
The Centering Prayer application will support your daily prayer practice commitment. Beautiful and peaceful, the app includes an adjustable timer, as well as opening and closing prayer options that you may read before and after your silent prayer time.