4-week zoom class on fasting

The Book of Common Prayer introduces Lent as a "season of penitence and fasting.” But fasting is often one of the most misunderstood, dreaded, and neglected of the Christian disciplines.

Join Fr Joseph for a 4-week Zoom class on fasting: exploring how this ancient biblical practice helps to awaken the body and soul to our deep hunger for God.

awaken the body and soul

In our continuing partnership with Practicing the Way, each hour-long Zoom will include a short (~15min) teaching from pastor John Mark Comer, followed by group discussion, weekly practice exercises, readings, and additional resources to help you create a life-changing rhythm of discipleship to Jesus.

Register below and Fr. Joseph will send the Zoom link


Session 1 (Feb 29): To Offer Ourselves to Jesus

Session 2 (Mar 7): To Grow in Holiness

Session 3 (Mar 14): To Amplify Our Prayers

Session 4 (Mar 21): To Stand With the Poor