We asked: What is the most pervasive sin of our culture?

OCTOBER 29, 2023




“‘A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord.

- Leviticus 27:30


REFLECTION QUESTIONS week 3 - october 29, 2023

1) What message of ‘more, more more’ are you being bombarded with right now? What feelings does that bombardment surface for you?

2) John Ortberd suggests: “Very smart people stay up all night trying to figure out ways to convince us that we are (or ought to be) discontent, and that we would experience true satisfaction if we just had more. [But] … serving the ‘more monster’ can never satisfy our souls.” How is the ‘more monster’ offering you false promises?

3) Spiritual disciplines are practices that train our souls to be able to do tomorrow what we cannot do today. In what ways do you think God intends tithing to be a spiritual discipline to help train our hearts away from materialistic tendencies?


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