We asked: Why are we always grasping for things? From our first moments of life to our last?

OCTOBER 22, 2023




You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.

- Psalm 145:16


REFLECTION QUESTIONS Week 2 - october 22, 2023

1) Can you recall a time when you feared all was lost and God showed up with provision for you and your loved ones? What did you feel, sense, or experience about the nature of God?

2) In Psalm 145, David praises God’s generosity: “You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing” (v. 16).

Take a moment and write a short (or long!) list of the many ways God has “richly provided all things for you to enjoy” (1 Timothy 6:17). Reflect on the ways God has provided for you in the past and what you feel you need from him in the present.

3) Reflect on the posture of your heart. Jesus instructs us: “Freely you have received; freely give” (Matthew 10:8) In what ways might God be calling you to more freely and open-handedly give?


what is a pledge?