Christi James
Outgoing Outreach Chair
The mission of Outreach at Christ Church is, "To Restore Hope to a Suffering World and Be Transformed Into the Likeness of Christ."
We align our work with the vision of the Christ Church and are committed to forming whole-disciples of Jesus for the world. Our aim is to engage parishioners in activities where they learn how to Be With, Become Like, and Live Like Jesus.
Outreach provides opportunities to the members of Christ Church to live into their baptismal promises:
Proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ
Seek and serve Christ in all persons
Strive for justice and peace among all people
Respect the dignity of every human being
Our goal is to develop meaningful relationships with each of our ministry partners, meet real needs, and engage parishioners of all ages in active service.
a change in leadership for 2024
Steve Petty
In-coming Outreach Chair
After 12 years of dedicated service as our Outreach Chair, Christi James stepped down and Steve Petty will be taking over as the leader of the Outreach Commission. The biggest change to the coming year is the addition of an "Outreach table" to the commons. Each week a member of the commission, as well as a ministry partner champion, will be at the desk between services. Our hope is to spread the word about our outreach work, and to inform the congregation, so that the ministry partners can gain some new volunteers.
There will also be specific roles assigned to members of the Outreach Commission for the coming year. These job assignments will add new functionality to the work that the commission is doing. New job descriptions are in the areas of communications, finances, missions, outreach desk and blessing box supervision, and work to engage the ministry champions more effectively.
Finally, the Outreach Commission will continue to engage the ongoing projects of providing funding for our 8 outreach partners, as well as provide individual grants for the members of our congregation doing works here and abroad.
Meet Our Ministry Partners
Christ Church partners with six local ministries and two global ministries. In 2022 we hosted four Ministry Partner Forums featuring the work of Set Free Prison Ministry, Teach Men to Fish, Providence Network, and El Hogar. In 2023 the Outreach Commission will host forums for our other four ministries.
El Hogar Ministries (Honduras)
Contact: Charles Carpenter
Metro Caring
Contact: Gina Barry
Providence Network
Contact: Janie Peterson
Set Free Prison Ministry
Contact: Betty Riddell
St. Clare’s Ministry
Contact: Nathan Farr
St. Francis Center
Contact: Kathi Rudolph
Sun Valley Youth Center
Contact: Christi James
Teach Men to Fish (Uganda)
Contact: Cyndy McRae
WE Bless the Community
Christ Church Blessings Box
Throughout the year parishioners donated items to the Blessing Box and gave generously to drives for our ministry partners.
Jeans, hoodies, socks, underwear, warm hats, hand warmers, toiletries, sleeping bags (St. Clare’s Ministries and St. Francis Center)
Non-perishable food items (Metro Caring)
Summer activity items for children (Providence Network, in collaboration with Vacation Bible School)
Eye glasses (Medical Ministry International)
We are Good Stewards
Did you know that Christ Church Denver tithes? 10% of all money contributed through pledges and the Sunday offerings goes back into the community. We give monthly to our ministry partners and the High Plains Region of the Episcopal Church in Colorado. Outreach also provides additional funding through organizational and individual grants.
Numbers at a Glance
Outreach Fund-Support
10% of monthly giving to Outreach $136,507
King Soopers Card program $2452
Monthly Giving to Ministry Partners $48,000
Giving to High Plains Region- Diocese of CO $68,360
Grants to ministry partners $42,930 (to be disbursed in early 2023)
Grants to individuals $13,322
El Hogar Coffee Proceeds $366
The Outreach Commission also manages Equity, Bond and LMIF (money market) Outreach Funds invested with the Colorado Episcopal Foundation. Market Adjustments and Interest from these funds provides additional money for grants, missions and special funding. The balance of all these funds at the end of 2023 was $118,443.
Engage in Active Service
Members of Christ Church engaged with our partners all year long. They built community through Outreach events at the church and were also actively involved on-site with our ministry partners.
Prepared meals for residents at a Safe Outdoor Space. (St. Francis Center)
Bagged rice and beans for a no-cost grocery program (Metro Caring)
Provided cupcakes for children and teens (Sun Valley Youth Center)
Distributed clothing to those in need in the Baker Neighborhood (St.Clare’s Ministries)
Proclaimed the Gospel through Bible Correspondence lessons (Set Free Prison Ministry)
Taught young apprentices construction skills in Uganda (Teach Men to Fish)
Humbly served individuals experiencing homelessness (St. Francis Center)
Made cookies, wrapped presents, and served as shopping assistants for Providence Network residents and alumni (Mr. Hugs Christmas Store and Party)
Connected with youth, families, teachers, and caregivers in Honduras (El Hogar Ministries)
Served hundreds of people at eye clinics in Peru (Medical Missions International)
Sorted food and assisted individuals with their immediate food needs and the root causes of hunger (Metro Caring)