Welcome to Lent 2025
During this season of Lent, Christ Church is offering many options to connect and be a part of the season. We begin Lent with our Ash Wednesday services on March 5, and then we continue the 40 day season with several other offerings for you to consider.
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday March 5
Join us in-person for of our Ash Wednesday services at 12:00 pm, and 7 pm.
Childcare will be available for both services.
Lenten Preaching Series 2025
As we enter the holy season of Lent with its calls to repentance, this preaching series will explore how God is offering us salvation, freedom, and healing from those things that separate us from Him. Through the lectionary readings we’ll see how God is saving us from Self, Coercion, Apathy, Estrangement, and Death itself. Journey with us through this Lenten series as we prepare ourselves for the joy of Easter.
dwelling in holy week zoom class
Lenten Online Class and Discussion with Frs. Joseph and Todd
6:30-7:30pm MT online only
March 11, 18, 25, April 1
seeing the sacred: lenten retreat at denver art museum
Saturday, March 15, 2025, 1-3 pm
Join Dr Grace Hamman + Fr Joseph Wolyniak as we visit the Denver Art Museum, inviting you to ‘see the sacred’ through art. Exploring Lenten themes, Grace and Joseph will offer background on particular works with time for personal reflection and prayer.
lenten devotional from Biola university
We suggest this email devotional from the Lent Project: a 53-day aesthetically guided meditation on Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. Click the picture below which will take you to The Lent Project’s home page where you can add your email to receive a daily devotional during the season of lent.